
the true understanding

There needs to be more clarity in the training aspect of magnetism. Most people confuse intellectual understanding with experiential understanding. They are very far away from each other. You may hear someone speak and intellectually understand the concept(s), but...

Sexual results

In the previous email, I wrote about the importance of having external, real-world results as feedback for your magnetism. With sexual magnetism, this is even easier. Either you are getting sexual attraction, or you aren't. There's no other way of analyzing this. As...

Tried and tested results

We can often fool ourselves into thinking that we are making progress but aren't using the correct measures.   With magnetism overall, knowing your progress is relatively easy.   Either you are getting the results you are after in the real world, or you are not.  ...

Advanced Energy Science is now available!

I am happy to announce the release of a new Charisma School training: Advanced Energy Science - The Energy Laws This course aims to discover the laws that govern the energy inside your body. This is the equivalent of learning the inside mechanics of a car and the...

That is not me

It's easy to fool yourself during any magnetic training. You may think that you are changing because you are doing the exercises. But it's essential to be clear that the exercises don't change you. Only you have that ability. The exercises will bring you awareness to...

It’s not about more information

I've always loved this quote by the entrepreneur Derek Sivers: “If more information was the answer, then we'd all be billionaires with perfect abs.” In the same guideline, I'm sure you can think of plenty of doctors who are overweight smokers. Even though they know...

Failure is necessary

When you are training sexual magnetism, it's not like you can do the exercises, then get out there and succeed immediately. You're going to fail. That's inevitable. But most people don't expect it. They hope to succeed straight away, which never happens. You need...

The evolution of your training

The exercises we provide in Charisma School are never to be done in an automatic, robotic way - regardless of the exercise. I know there's a tendency to do it almost unconsciously, mainly if it's already easy for you and if you have done it many times before. It's...

What are your triggers?

After some time in training and as you start to change and improve your inner power, it's normal that something triggers you to go back to your old self. This is the moment where you'll need to understand and become aware of what is making you go back. In other words,...

The real power of the magnetic training

The real power of the magnetic training comes from the cumulative effect of the development of the several components. The Will is of course very powerful. But it becomes even more powerful when you combine with the energy development. The energy development is...

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