
Energetic Links with another person

Over time, or over certain experiences, a common event is to create an energetic link with another person. Energetic links are like a highway of energy between you and another person. These energetic links can be healthy or unhealthy. Good or bad for you. You can have...

High Output Life

There's a situation that seems to be mind-boggling for all those who haven't experienced it. When you look at someone who seems to have a lot of different activities or to a person that seem to have an unlimited supply of energy. They wake up, they go for a run, do...

Emotional State and Sexual Magnetism

A common question I usually have is if you can achieve sexual magnetism while still feeling anxious or negative inside on any random bad day. While it's possible to have this sexual magnetism while feeling negativity inside, it's only AFTER it has become a part of...

Sexual Rigidity

One of the biggest issues for men in sexual attraction is getting "energetically rigid" during an interaction with a woman. Keep in mind this rigidity may be only energetic or it can be muscular as well. It's often both. Some men simply become an almost completely...

Mental tension and it’s problems

There's a trait that is often a cause for some issues that are hard to change in you. That trait is mental tension. Mental tension is a straining of your mind. Remember when you have to figure out those hard math problems? Or when you try to do some mental...

Overtraining in Personal Development

Often times I see students being too hard on themselves and constantly be in an "effort mode". It's like there's no rest and you should be practicing or improving yourself every minute of the day. This creates a tension in the mind that leads to a decrease of your own...

Selecting Attraction

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Is there a way I can use sexual magnetism without having to attract those married or already in committed relationship? (Or find a way to screen them)" The short answer is no. The only way to screen them is after the...

Ego Based Charisma

Here's an interesting question from a reader of this newsletter: "Will the confidence/ other benefits I achieve be ego based? I really value being a humble and selfless person, though I'd love to have inner power, confidence, charisma just without it making me think...

Accepting or Resisting Sexual Energy

Sexual energy in itself only has sensory and soft type of feelings. What happens afterward is your reactions to these sensory feelings. So if you feel sexual energy as some kind of repressive, violent or intense manifestation, don't associate it with sexual energy in...

A Valuable Energy Skill

The training of sexual energy is more than simply becoming more sexually attractive. I'm sure that's your main goal, as it was mine. But the knowledge you get with it is much more precious. You get the ability to change your own energy and what you are projecting to...

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